Vicarious Surgical Inc. (RBOT) Insider Traders


$1.39 (9.51%)
Day's range
Day's range

Vicarious Surgical Inc. Insider Transactions

Vicarious Surgical Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 6,854 @ $0.32 $2,203 305,593 06/03/2024 06/04/2024
Khalifa Sammy

Director, 10 percent owner, CTO

Sell 7,167 @ $0.32 $2,303 1,189,209 06/03/2024 06/04/2024
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 6,528 @ $0.32 $2,097 504,767 06/03/2024 06/04/2024
Sell 13,896 @ $0.32 $4,469 1,691,822 06/03/2024 06/04/2024
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 6,546 @ $0.39 $2,540 511,295 05/20/2024 05/21/2024
Khalifa Sammy

Director, 10 percent owner, CTO

Sell 19,601 @ $0.39 $7,607 1,196,376 05/20/2024 05/21/2024
Sell 24,502 @ $0.39 $9,507 1,705,718 05/20/2024 05/21/2024
Sell 4,830 @ $0.34 $1,653 1,730,220 03/20/2024 03/21/2024
Khalifa Sammy

Director, 10 percent owner, CTO

Sell 3,863 @ $0.34 $1,316 1,215,977 03/20/2024 03/21/2024
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 1,290 @ $0.34 $437 517,841 03/20/2024 03/21/2024
Sell 16,040 @ $0.37 $5,954 1,735,050 03/04/2024 03/05/2024
Khalifa Sammy

Director, 10 percent owner, CTO

Sell 8,273 @ $0.37 $3,069 1,219,840 03/04/2024 03/05/2024
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 7,535 @ $0.37 $2,794 519,131 03/04/2024 03/05/2024
Sell 28,282 @ $0.36 $10,094 1,751,090 02/20/2024 02/21/2024
Khalifa Sammy

Director, 10 percent owner, CTO

Sell 22,625 @ $0.36 $8,242 1,228,113 02/20/2024 02/21/2024
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 7,555 @ $0.36 $2,753 526,666 02/20/2024 02/21/2024
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 4,984 @ $0.45 $2,219 534,221 11/06/2023 11/08/2023
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 4,858 @ $0.49 $2,367 539,205 10/05/2023 10/06/2023
Khalifa Sammy

Director, 10 percent owner, CTO

Sell 3,133 @ $0.79 $2,462 1,250,738 09/20/2023 09/22/2023
Kelly William John

CFO and Treasurer

Sell 1,107 @ $0.79 $872 544,063 09/20/2023 09/22/2023
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Vicarious Surgical Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Vicarious Surgical Inc. includes Kelly William John, Khalifa Sammy, Sachs Adam David, Mazzola John.

Insiders have sold a total of 95,077 Vicarious Surgical Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 34,133 sold.

The following insiders have sold Vicarious Surgical Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Kelly William John ($5,075), Khalifa Sammy ($11,227), Sachs Adam David ($15,629), Mazzola John ($2,203),