Perimeter Solutions, SA (PRM) Insider Traders


-$0.3 (-2.42%)
Day's range
Day's range

Perimeter Solutions, SA Insider Transactions

Perimeter Solutions, SA Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Cool Tracy Britt


Sell 50,000 @ $12.81 $640,500 173,449 11/22/2024 11/25/2024
Sell 80,156 @ $12.16 $974,697 249,833 11/15/2024 11/15/2024
Sell 100,000 @ $12.17 $1.22 M 329,989 11/14/2024 11/15/2024
Sell 80,000 @ $12.05 $964,000 429,989 11/13/2024 11/15/2024
Valladares Jorge


Buy 14,000 @ $7.15 $100,086 14,000 06/11/2024 06/13/2024

Perimeter Solutions, SA FAQ's

The list of insiders at Perimeter Solutions, SA includes Valladares Jorge, Khouri Haitham, Cool Tracy Britt.

Insiders have sold a total of 310,156 Perimeter Solutions, SA shares in the last 12 months for a total of 3.80 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Perimeter Solutions, SA shares in the last 12 months: Khouri Haitham ($3.16 M), Cool Tracy Britt ($640,500),

Insiders have purchased a total of 14,000 Perimeter Solutions, SA shares in the last 12 months for a total of 100,086.

The following insiders have purchased Perimeter Solutions, SA shares in the last 12 months: Valladares Jorge ($100,086),