Global Payments Inc. (GPN) Insider Traders


$0.45 (0.4%)
Day's range
Day's range

Global Payments Inc. Insider Transactions

Global Payments Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details

Senior EVP and CIO

Sell 1,727 @ $98.33 $169,816 12,489 06/06/2024 06/07/2024
Carter Andrea M

Senior Executive VP and CHRO

Sell 3,300 @ $111.34 $367,422 25,209 05/09/2024 05/10/2024


Sell 5,247 @ $133.77 $701,891 248,029 12/14/2023 12/15/2023
Buy 3,500 @ $120.06 $420,210 40,892 12/08/2023 12/08/2023
Sell 1,800 @ $112.85 $203,130 22,335 11/15/2023 11/17/2023
Green David Lawrence

Chief Admin & Legal Officer

Sell 17,920 @ $112.53 $2.02 M 77,411 11/02/2023 11/03/2023
Whipple Joshua J

Senior EVP and CFO

Sell 37,096 @ $127.28 $4.72 M 39,772 09/06/2023 09/08/2023
Sacchi Guido Francesco

Senior EVP and CIO

Sell 14,502 @ $124.47 $1.81 M 66,130 08/17/2023 08/18/2023
Sell 2,016 @ $119.47 $240,852 25,045 08/02/2023 08/04/2023

Global Payments Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Global Payments Inc. includes Carter Andrea M, JOHNSTON SHANNON A.

Insiders have sold a total of 5,027 Global Payments Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 537,238 sold.

The following insiders have sold Global Payments Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Carter Andrea M ($367,422), JOHNSTON SHANNON A ($169,816),

The list of congress members trading at Global Payments Inc. includes Michael McCaul.