FutureFuel Corp. (FF) Insider Traders


$0.1 (1.9%)
Day's range
Day's range

FutureFuel Corp. Insider Transactions

FutureFuel Corp. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Buy 10,000 @ $5.11 $51,100 10,000 11/13/2024 11/13/2024
Manheim Paul


Buy 6,000 @ $6.10 $36,600 19,103 08/15/2024 08/15/2024
Buy 50,358 @ $4.60 $231,647 100,000 06/13/2024 06/13/2024
Buy 41,098 @ $4.57 $187,818 49,642 06/12/2024 06/13/2024
Buy 8,544 @ $4.50 $38,448 8,544 06/11/2024 06/13/2024
Lyon Charles W.

Chief Commercial Officer

Buy 11,400 @ $4.36 $49,704 11,400 06/06/2024 06/10/2024
Buy 5,000 @ $4.39 $21,950 9,895 06/04/2024 06/04/2024
Bedell Donald C.


Buy 2,025 @ $4.15 $8,404 89,975 06/03/2024 06/04/2024
Buy 20,000 @ $4.38 $87,600 40,000 06/03/2024 06/03/2024

Director, CFO

Buy 5,000 @ $4.35 $21,750 19,283 06/03/2024 06/03/2024

FutureFuel Corp. FAQ's

The list of insiders at FutureFuel Corp. includes SPARKS ROSE, Thomas McKinlay, Bedell Donald C., EGGER TERRANCE C Z, Lyon Charles W., KRUSZEWSKI RONALD J, Manheim Paul, Polet Roeland.

Insiders have purchased a total of 159,425 FutureFuel Corp. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 735,020.

The following insiders have purchased FutureFuel Corp. shares in the last 12 months: SPARKS ROSE ($21,750), Thomas McKinlay ($87,600), Bedell Donald C. ($8,404), EGGER TERRANCE C Z ($21,950), Lyon Charles W. ($49,704), KRUSZEWSKI RONALD J ($457,913), Manheim Paul ($36,600), Polet Roeland ($51,100),