Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (FCX) Insider Traders


$0.86 (2.28%)
Day's range
Day's range

Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Insider Transactions

Freeport-McMoRan Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Higgins Stephen T.

Senior VP & CAO

Sell 80,000 @ $52.03 $4.16 M 104,377 05/13/2024 05/13/2024
Sell 54,771 @ $50.78 $2.78 M 3,652,478 05/06/2024 05/07/2024
Higgins Stephen T.

Senior VP & CAO

Sell 42,767 @ $50.35 $2.15 M 104,377 05/03/2024 05/03/2024
Higgins Stephen T.

Senior VP & CAO

Sell 43,900 @ $51.08 $2.24 M 104,377 05/01/2024 05/03/2024
Sell 1,333 @ $50.95 $67,918 46,572 05/01/2024 05/03/2024
Sell 3,000 @ $50.98 $152,940 43,572 05/01/2024 05/03/2024
Sell 169,229 @ $50.56 $8.56 M 3,707,249 04/30/2024 05/01/2024
Currault Douglas N. II

Senior VP & General Counsel

Sell 55,000 @ $51.99 $2.86 M 164,067 04/29/2024 05/01/2024
Buy 4,000 @ $34.90 $139,597 17,800 05/12/2023 05/15/2023

Freeport-McMoRan Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Freeport-McMoRan Inc. includes Currault Douglas N. II, ADKERSON RICHARD C, Mikes Ellie L., Higgins Stephen T..

Insiders have sold a total of 450,000 Freeport-McMoRan Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 22.98 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Freeport-McMoRan Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Currault Douglas N. II ($2.86 M), ADKERSON RICHARD C ($11.34 M), Mikes Ellie L. ($220,858), Higgins Stephen T. ($8.56 M),

The list of congress members trading at Freeport-McMoRan Inc. includes Josh Gottheimer, John Fetterman.