Dayforce Inc (DAY) Insider Traders


$1.22 (1.68%)
Day's range
Day's range

Dayforce Inc Insider Transactions

Dayforce Inc Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
McDonald William Everett

EVP, GC & Corporate Secretary

Sell 5,995 @ $63.28 $379,364 73,385 05/20/2024 05/22/2024
Sell 40,228 @ $68.88 $2.77 M 159,091 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 7,298 @ $70.00 $510,860 151,793 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 8,096 @ $68.88 $557,652 151,223 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 1,804 @ $70.18 $126,605 149,419 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 100 @ $70.82 $7,082 149,319 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 2,474 @ $70.75 $175,036 149,319 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 3,000 @ $65.18 $195,540 58,353 11/10/2023 11/13/2023
Sell 4,498 @ $65.85 $296,193 247,787 11/07/2023 11/09/2023
Sell 2,586 @ $66.41 $171,736 245,201 11/07/2023 11/09/2023
Sell 5,741 @ $70.97 $407,439 245,460 10/09/2023 10/11/2023
Sell 259 @ $71.40 $18,493 245,201 10/09/2023 10/11/2023
Holdridge Stephen H.

President Customer&Revenue Ops

Sell 1,000 @ $75.00 $75,000 63,756 09/12/2023 09/14/2023
Sell 6,000 @ $72.68 $436,080 245,201 09/07/2023 09/08/2023
Sell 11,193 @ $70.26 $786,420 113,060 08/22/2023 08/23/2023
Sell 7,084 @ $71.87 $509,127 245,201 08/07/2023 08/08/2023
McDonald William Everett

EVP, GC & Corporate Secretary

Sell 373 @ $71.42 $26,640 48,511 08/07/2023 08/08/2023
Holdridge Stephen H.

President Customer&Revenue Ops

Sell 1,000 @ $72.50 $72,500 64,756 07/18/2023 07/19/2023
Holdridge Stephen H.

President Customer&Revenue Ops

Sell 1,000 @ $70.00 $70,000 65,756 07/17/2023 07/19/2023
Holdridge Stephen H.

President Customer&Revenue Ops

Sell 1,000 @ $68.50 $68,500 66,756 07/11/2023 07/13/2023
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Dayforce Inc FAQ's

The list of insiders at Dayforce Inc includes Armstrong Christopher R, McDonald William Everett.

Insiders have sold a total of 65,995 Dayforce Inc shares in the last 12 months for a total of 4.53 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Dayforce Inc shares in the last 12 months: Armstrong Christopher R ($4.15 M), McDonald William Everett ($379,364),