Venus Concept Inc. (VERO) Insider Traders


$0.04 (8.53%)
Day's range
Day's range

Venus Concept Inc. Insider Transactions

Venus Concept Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Natale Anthony


Sell 42,768 @ $0.31 $13,194 0 12/03/2024 12/04/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 34,985 @ $0.53 $18,560 270,075 10/02/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 29,546 @ $0.53 $15,674 235,023 10/02/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 23,470 @ $0.53 $12,451 186,691 10/02/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 4,408 @ $0.53 $2,338 35,064 10/02/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 2,144 @ $0.53 $1,137 17,059 10/02/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 51,879 @ $0.60 $30,878 305,060 10/01/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 43,814 @ $0.60 $26,078 264,569 10/01/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 34,804 @ $0.60 $20,715 210,161 10/01/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 6,537 @ $0.60 $3,891 39,472 10/01/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 3,180 @ $0.60 $1,893 19,203 10/01/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 26,406 @ $0.64 $17,029 356,939 09/30/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 22,301 @ $0.64 $14,382 308,383 09/30/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 17,715 @ $0.64 $11,424 244,965 09/30/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 3,327 @ $0.64 $2,146 46,009 09/30/2024 10/02/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 1,619 @ $0.64 $1,044 22,383 09/30/2024 10/02/2024
Madryn Asset Management, LP

10 percent owner

Buy 203,583 @ $0.00 $0 780,569 09/26/2024 09/30/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 102,717 @ $1.20 $122,829 383,345 06/11/2024 06/12/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 53,895 @ $1.22 $65,903 252,717 06/07/2024 06/12/2024
Masters Michael Willingham

10 percent owner

Sell 1,487 @ $1.20 $1,789 0 06/07/2024 06/12/2024
Page 1 of 2

Venus Concept Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Venus Concept Inc. includes Madryn Asset Management, LP, Masters Michael Willingham, Natale Anthony.

Insiders have sold a total of 507,002 Venus Concept Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 383,356 sold.

The following insiders have sold Venus Concept Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Masters Michael Willingham ($370,162), Natale Anthony ($13,194),

Insiders have purchased a total of 780,569 Venus Concept Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 0.

The following insiders have purchased Venus Concept Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Madryn Asset Management, LP ($0),