INmune Bio, Inc. (INMB) Insider Traders


$0.12 (2.17%)
Day's range
Day's range

INmune Bio, Inc. Insider Transactions

INmune Bio, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Buy 18,028 @ $9.15 $164,992 18,028 04/19/2024 04/24/2024
Juda Scott


Buy 29,603 @ $9.15 $270,927 29,603 04/19/2024 04/24/2024
Moss David J

10 percent owner, CFO, Treasurer & Secretary

Buy 18,028 @ $9.15 $164,992 18,028 04/19/2024 04/24/2024
Lowdell Mark William

10 percent owner, Chief Scientific Officer

Buy 14,423 @ $9.15 $131,999 14,423 04/19/2024 04/24/2024
Juda Scott


Buy 7,000 @ $6.95 $48,650 37,000 11/10/2023 11/13/2023
Sell 10,000 @ $11.01 $110,085 82,187 07/12/2023 07/14/2023
Moss David J

10 percent owner, CFO, Treasurer & Secretary

Buy 2,500 @ $6.43 $16,063 1,250,151 03/17/2023 03/20/2023

INmune Bio, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at INmune Bio, Inc. includes Lowdell Mark William, Moss David J, Juda Scott, Tesi Raymond Joseph.

Insiders have purchased a total of 80,082 INmune Bio, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 732,910.

The following insiders have purchased INmune Bio, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Lowdell Mark William ($131,999), Moss David J ($164,992), Juda Scott ($270,927), Tesi Raymond Joseph ($164,992),