Heritage Global Inc. Insider Transactions
Heritage Global Inc. Insider Trades History
Insider Name | Buy/Sell | Shares Bought/Sold @ Price |
Total Transaction | Shares Held After Transaction |
Transaction Date | Filing Date | Details |
Buy | 7,297 @ $2.75 | $20,067 | 2,302,656 | 03/20/2024 | 03/20/2024 | |
Dove Nicholas Kirk
President, Industrial Assets |
Buy | 5,000 @ $2.88 | $14,400 | 100,000 | 03/19/2024 | 03/19/2024 | |
Dove Nicholas Kirk
President, Industrial Assets |
Buy | 5,000 @ $2.85 | $14,250 | 95,000 | 11/13/2023 | 11/13/2023 | |
Director |
Buy | 10,000 @ $2.95 | $29,500 | 297,500 | 09/13/2023 | 09/14/2023 | |
Buy | 3,200 @ $3.11 | $9,952 | 2,218,510 | 08/24/2023 | 08/24/2023 | |
Dove Nicholas Kirk
President, Industrial Assets |
Buy | 3,455 @ $3.13 | $10,814 | 90,000 | 08/17/2023 | 08/17/2023 | |
Ludwig David Van
Director, President of subsidiary |
Buy | 1,825 @ $3.30 | $6,023 | 1,039,304 | 08/15/2023 | 08/16/2023 | |
Ludwig David Van
Director, President of subsidiary |
Buy | 4,583 @ $3.12 | $14,299 | 1,037,479 | 08/14/2023 | 08/16/2023 | |
Hexner Michael
Director |
Buy | 8,253 @ $3.12 | $25,749 | 217,104 | 08/14/2023 | 08/15/2023 | |
Buy | 6,211 @ $3.22 | $19,999 | 2,215,310 | 08/14/2023 | 08/15/2023 | |
Dove Nicholas Kirk
President, Industrial Assets |
Buy | 7,880 @ $3.17 | $24,980 | 86,545 | 08/14/2023 | 08/14/2023 | |
Sell | 44,558 @ $3.00 | $133,674 | 3,617,885 | 04/18/2023 | 04/18/2023 | ||
Topline Capital Partners, LP
10 percent owner |
Sell | 44,558 @ $3.00 | $133,674 | 3,617,885 | 04/18/2023 | 04/18/2023 | |
Sell | 55,972 @ $3.02 | $169,035 | 3,662,443 | 04/17/2023 | 04/18/2023 | ||
Topline Capital Partners, LP
10 percent owner |
Sell | 55,972 @ $3.02 | $169,035 | 3,662,443 | 04/17/2023 | 04/18/2023 | |
Sell | 74,162 @ $3.00 | $222,486 | 3,718,415 | 04/14/2023 | 04/18/2023 | ||
Topline Capital Partners, LP
10 percent owner |
Sell | 74,162 @ $3.00 | $222,486 | 3,718,415 | 04/14/2023 | 04/18/2023 | |
Sell | 24,084 @ $2.91 | $70,084 | 3,792,577 | 04/13/2023 | 04/13/2023 | ||
Topline Capital Partners, LP
10 percent owner |
Sell | 24,084 @ $2.91 | $70,084 | 3,792,577 | 04/13/2023 | 04/13/2023 | |
Sell | 9,199 @ $2.90 | $26,677 | 3,816,661 | 04/12/2023 | 04/13/2023 |
Heritage Global Inc. FAQ's
The list of insiders at Heritage Global Inc. includes Dove Nicholas Kirk, DOVE ROSS.
Insiders have purchased a total of 12,297 Heritage Global Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 34,467.
The following insiders have purchased Heritage Global Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Dove Nicholas Kirk ($14,400), DOVE ROSS ($20,067),