BTCS Inc. (BTCS) Insider Traders


$0.03 (1.09%)
Day's range
Day's range

BTCS Inc. Insider Transactions

BTCS Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Pump Melanie


Sell 6,641 @ $1.55 $10,294 30,773 06/06/2024 06/06/2024
Pump Melanie


Sell 14,998 @ $1.56 $23,397 37,414 06/05/2024 06/06/2024
Pump Melanie


Sell 3,361 @ $1.60 $5,378 52,412 06/04/2024 06/06/2024
Handerhan Michal

Director, 10 percent owner, COO

Sell 69,453 @ $1.52 $105,707 1,613,878 03/08/2024 03/11/2024
Handerhan Michal

Director, 10 percent owner, COO

Sell 28,165 @ $1.51 $42,619 1,683,331 03/07/2024 03/11/2024
Handerhan Michal

Director, 10 percent owner, COO

Sell 6,844 @ $1.51 $10,323 1,711,496 03/06/2024 03/06/2024
Handerhan Michal

Director, 10 percent owner, COO

Sell 45,538 @ $1.56 $70,930 1,718,340 03/05/2024 03/06/2024
Sell 50,000 @ $1.56 $78,020 4,264,220 02/20/2024 02/21/2024
Sell 100,000 @ $1.20 $120,390 4,096,521 04/10/2023 04/11/2023


The list of insiders at BTCS Inc. includes Pump Melanie.

Insiders have sold a total of 25,000 BTCS Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 39,068 sold.

The following insiders have sold BTCS Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Pump Melanie ($39,068),