Stifel Financial Corp. (SF) Analyst Forecast


$0.39 (0.36%)
Day's range
Day's range

Recent Analyst Forecasts and Stock Ratings

Date Brokerage Firm Analyst Name Price Target Price when Posted Upside/Downside
on Report Date
10/24/2024 Wells Fargo Michael Brown $113.00 $101.22   11.64%
10/09/2024 JMP Securities Devin Ryan $110.00 $95.02   15.77%
09/27/2024 Citigroup Christopher Allen $102.00 $92.91   9.78%
09/25/2024 Goldman Sachs Alexander Blostein $94.00 $92.84   1.25%
07/08/2024 Stifel Nicolaus Bill Katz $89.00 $82.41   8%

Stifel Financial Corp. FAQ's

Stifel Financial Corp. has been rated by research analysts at Wells Fargo, JMP Securities, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Stifel Nicolaus in the past 90 days.