Nerdy, Inc. (NRDY) Insider Traders


$0.31 (19.02%)
Day's range
Day's range

Nerdy, Inc. Insider Transactions

Nerdy, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Buy 353,000 @ $1.59 $561,270 353,000 06/10/2024 06/12/2024
Sell 37,360 @ $2.07 $77,335 2,438,689 05/15/2024 05/20/2024
Swenson Christopher C.

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 30,000 @ $2.53 $75,900 1,203,248 04/22/2024 04/24/2024
Sell 29,195 @ $3.06 $89,337 1,476,049 03/25/2024 03/26/2024
Swenson Christopher C.

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 25,000 @ $2.96 $74,000 1,233,248 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Buy 37,500 @ $2.99 $112,125 260,704 03/15/2024 03/19/2024
Buy 37,500 @ $2.84 $106,500 223,204 03/14/2024 03/18/2024
Buy 37,500 @ $2.79 $104,625 185,704 03/13/2024 03/15/2024
Buy 37,500 @ $2.79 $104,625 148,204 03/12/2024 03/14/2024
Buy 67,991 @ $2.88 $195,814 10,855,579 03/11/2024 03/13/2024
Sell 41,896 @ $3.13 $131,134 1,505,244 02/21/2024 02/22/2024
Swenson Christopher C.

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 30,000 @ $3.15 $94,500 1,258,248 01/22/2024 01/24/2024
Sell 31,098 @ $3.05 $94,849 1,547,140 12/18/2023 12/20/2023
Sell 37,351 @ $2.51 $93,751 1,578,238 11/16/2023 11/20/2023
Swenson Christopher C.

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 30,000 @ $3.24 $97,200 1,287,176 09/25/2023 09/28/2023
Sell 31,735 @ $3.68 $116,785 1,602,460 09/18/2023 09/20/2023
Buy 10,327 @ $4.85 $50,086 10,787,588 09/05/2023 09/06/2023
Buy 15,650 @ $4.80 $75,120 10,777,261 09/01/2023 09/05/2023
Buy 15,955 @ $4.71 $75,148 10,761,611 08/31/2023 09/01/2023
Buy 16,190 @ $4.63 $74,960 10,745,656 08/30/2023 08/31/2023
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Nerdy, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Nerdy, Inc. includes Cohn Charles K., Swenson Christopher C., Pello Jason H., Blunt Abigail.

Insiders have sold a total of 395,058 Nerdy, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 659,267 sold.

The following insiders have sold Nerdy, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Swenson Christopher C. ($230,550), Pello Jason H. ($428,717),

Insiders have purchased a total of 35.65 M Nerdy, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 38.73 M.

The following insiders have purchased Nerdy, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Cohn Charles K. ($38.54 M), Blunt Abigail ($193,832),