Lemonade, Inc. (LMND) Insider Traders


$0.61 (1.61%)
Day's range
Day's range

Lemonade, Inc. Insider Transactions

Lemonade, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 263 @ $18.84 $4,955 8,988 09/04/2024 09/06/2024
Buy 5,000 @ $14.40 $72,000 30,000 06/14/2024 06/17/2024
Buy 15,000 @ $15.51 $232,650 25,000 06/13/2024 06/17/2024
Peters John Sheldon

Chief Insurance Officer

Sell 1,026 @ $16.03 $16,447 73,941 06/04/2024 06/06/2024
Sell 2,077 @ $16.03 $33,294 273,602 06/04/2024 06/06/2024
Sell 271 @ $16.03 $4,344 9,251 06/04/2024 06/06/2024
Sell 290 @ $17.72 $5,139 9,522 03/11/2024 03/13/2024
Buy 10,000 @ $16.54 $165,400 10,000 03/06/2024 03/06/2024
Sell 2,161 @ $16.52 $35,700 275,679 03/05/2024 03/07/2024
Peters John Sheldon

Chief Insurance Officer

Sell 1,106 @ $16.52 $18,271 74,967 03/05/2024 03/06/2024
Sell 1,746 @ $17.70 $30,904 277,840 12/05/2023 03/07/2024
Peters John Sheldon

Chief Insurance Officer

Sell 869 @ $17.70 $15,381 76,073 12/05/2023 03/06/2024
Sell 1,968 @ $13.68 $26,922 279,586 09/07/2023 03/07/2024
Peters John Sheldon

Chief Insurance Officer

Sell 567 @ $13.68 $7,757 76,942 09/07/2023 03/06/2024
Peters John Sheldon

Chief Insurance Officer

Sell 5,000 @ $20.00 $100,000 47,784 07/17/2023 07/19/2023
Sell 1,474 @ $18.26 $26,915 268,581 06/05/2023 06/06/2023
Peters John Sheldon

Chief Insurance Officer

Sell 538 @ $18.26 $9,824 47,784 06/05/2023 06/06/2023
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Lemonade, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Lemonade, Inc. includes Prosor Maya, BIXBY TIMOTHY E, Peters John Sheldon, Angelidis-Smith Maria, Eckstein Adina, Eisenberg Michael A, SoftBank Group Capital Ltd.

Insiders have sold a total of 1.40 M Lemonade, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 61.18 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Lemonade, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Prosor Maya ($2.11 M), BIXBY TIMOTHY E ($70,686), Peters John Sheldon ($45,592), Eckstein Adina ($2.13 M), Eisenberg Michael A ($481,800), SoftBank Group Capital Ltd ($56.35 M),

Insiders have purchased a total of 53,554 Lemonade, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 1.31 M.

The following insiders have purchased Lemonade, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: BIXBY TIMOTHY E ($304,650), Angelidis-Smith Maria ($1.01 M),