Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. (INSP) Insider Traders


$5.99 (3.01%)
Day's range
Day's range

Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. Insider Transactions

Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 15,000 @ $230.03 $3.45 M 28,271 04/17/2024 04/18/2024
Sell 1,420 @ $207.25 $294,295 67,132 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 440 @ $213.26 $93,834 63,658 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 1,310 @ $209.46 $274,393 64,330 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 3,379 @ $206.19 $696,716 68,552 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 9,388 @ $203.33 $1.91 M 94,270 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 1,492 @ $208.34 $310,843 65,640 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 232 @ $210.99 $48,950 64,098 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Griffin Jerry C


Sell 32 @ $213.99 $6,848 10,900 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 10,694 @ $204.35 $2.19 M 83,576 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Sell 11,645 @ $205.27 $2.39 M 71,931 04/01/2024 04/03/2024
Griffin Jerry C


Sell 500 @ $197.81 $98,905 10,636 03/25/2024 03/27/2024
Griffin Jerry C


Sell 54 @ $197.81 $10,682 11,136 03/25/2024 03/27/2024
Sell 825 @ $193.70 $159,803 14,832 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 3,062 @ $194.46 $595,437 11,770 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Sell 500 @ $195.22 $97,610 11,270 03/22/2024 03/26/2024
Griffin Jerry C


Sell 54 @ $193.53 $10,451 10,690 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Griffin Jerry C


Sell 500 @ $193.53 $96,765 10,190 03/18/2024 03/20/2024
Griffin Jerry C


Sell 54 @ $198.05 $10,695 10,244 03/11/2024 03/13/2024
Griffin Jerry C


Sell 500 @ $198.05 $99,025 9,744 03/11/2024 03/13/2024
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Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. includes Griffin Jerry C, Rondoni John, Herbert Timothy P., Buchholz Richard.

Insiders have sold a total of 60,527 Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 12.73 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Inspire Medical Systems, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Griffin Jerry C ($223,650), Rondoni John ($852,849), Herbert Timothy P. ($8.20 M), Buchholz Richard ($3.45 M),