HubSpot, Inc. (HUBS) Insider Traders


$4.86 (0.69%)
Day's range
Day's range

HubSpot, Inc. Insider Transactions

HubSpot, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 400 @ $667.98 $267,192 1,346,350 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 200 @ $667.09 $133,418 1,346,750 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 1,900 @ $669.50 $1.27 M 1,344,450 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 3,800 @ $670.40 $2.55 M 1,340,650 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 2,890 @ $671.39 $1.94 M 1,337,760 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 4,800 @ $672.53 $3.23 M 1,332,960 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 3,600 @ $673.32 $2.42 M 1,329,360 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 700 @ $674.50 $472,150 1,328,660 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 1,597 @ $676.97 $1.08 M 1,326,963 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 2,205 @ $677.87 $1.49 M 1,324,758 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 465 @ $679.22 $315,837 1,324,293 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 366 @ $680.68 $249,129 1,323,927 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Shah Dharmesh

Director, CTO

Sell 782 @ $681.22 $532,714 1,323,145 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Halligan Brian

Director, Executive Chair

Sell 8,500 @ $661.59 $5.62 M 513,698 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Sell 1,930 @ $685.89 $1.32 M 40,231 11/15/2024 11/18/2024
Sell 4,381 @ $700.00 $3.07 M 41,259 11/12/2024 11/13/2024
Harvey Dawson Alyssa

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 573 @ $700.00 $401,100 7,603 11/12/2024 11/13/2024
Harvey Dawson Alyssa

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 384 @ $650.00 $249,600 8,176 11/07/2024 11/08/2024
Harvey Dawson Alyssa

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 429 @ $600.00 $257,400 8,560 11/06/2024 11/07/2024
Harvey Dawson Alyssa

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 384 @ $566.41 $217,501 8,560 11/04/2024 11/05/2024
Page 3 of 7

HubSpot, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at HubSpot, Inc. includes Halligan Brian, Rangan Yamini, Bueker Kathryn, Harvey Dawson Alyssa, Shah Dharmesh, NORRINGTON LORRIE M.

Insiders have sold a total of 225,071 HubSpot, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 143.25 M sold.

The following insiders have sold HubSpot, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Halligan Brian ($40.54 M), Rangan Yamini ($5.26 M), Bueker Kathryn ($12.91 M), Harvey Dawson Alyssa ($1.72 M), Shah Dharmesh ($82.01 M), NORRINGTON LORRIE M ($807,435),

Insiders have purchased a total of 6 HubSpot, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 3,910.

The following insiders have purchased HubSpot, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Halligan Brian ($3,910),

The list of congress members trading at HubSpot, Inc. includes Josh Gottheimer.