Coursera, Inc. (COUR) Insider Traders


$0.18 (2.11%)
Day's range
Day's range

Coursera, Inc. Insider Transactions

Coursera, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Ng Andrew Y.


Sell 25,000 @ $19.29 $482,370 7,108,074 01/17/2024 01/18/2024
Ng Andrew Y.


Sell 50,000 @ $19.59 $979,550 7,133,074 01/16/2024 01/18/2024
Sell 50,000 @ $19.09 $954,320 2,551,930 01/04/2024 01/08/2024
Sell 43,753 @ $19.15 $837,826 809,523 01/02/2024 01/04/2024
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Coursera, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Coursera, Inc. includes Maggioncalda Jeffrey Nacey, Ng Andrew Y., Meyers Michele M, Belsky Leah F., JACQUET RICHARD J, Clark Amanda, Cardenas Alan B, SIMMONS SABRINA.

Insiders have sold a total of 534,436 Coursera, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 6.35 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Coursera, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Maggioncalda Jeffrey Nacey ($3.16 M), Ng Andrew Y. ($2.42 M), Meyers Michele M ($76,105), Belsky Leah F. ($144,589), JACQUET RICHARD J ($293,783), Clark Amanda ($89,246), Cardenas Alan B ($105,818), SIMMONS SABRINA ($62,447),