Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (RXRX) Insider Traders


$0.15 (1.92%)
Day's range
Day's range

Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Insider Transactions

Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Marriott Tina

President and COO

Sell 7,390 @ $10.70 $79,065 640,592 03/21/2024 03/25/2024
Marriott Tina

President and COO

Sell 610 @ $11.34 $6,915 639,982 03/21/2024 03/25/2024
Borgeson Blake


Sell 20,054 @ $10.79 $216,423 7,252,755 03/19/2024 03/21/2024
Sell 25,000 @ $11.03 $275,815 1,204,179 03/13/2024 03/14/2024
Sell 25,000 @ $10.46 $261,375 1,191,679 03/12/2024 03/14/2024
Sell 36,319 @ $11.86 $430,682 1,108,524 03/06/2024 03/08/2024
Sell 1,000 @ $11.56 $11,562 0 03/06/2024 03/08/2024
Sell 20,000 @ $11.55 $231,002 0 03/06/2024 03/08/2024
Sell 4,000 @ $11.56 $46,259 0 03/06/2024 03/08/2024
Borgeson Blake


Sell 20,054 @ $12.06 $241,805 7,272,809 03/05/2024 03/07/2024
Marriott Tina

President and COO

Sell 8,000 @ $14.90 $119,160 639,982 02/22/2024 02/23/2024
Borgeson Blake


Sell 19,745 @ $12.31 $243,095 7,293,172 02/20/2024 02/21/2024
Borgeson Blake


Sell 309 @ $13.04 $4,030 7,292,863 02/20/2024 02/21/2024
Sell 23,933 @ $10.43 $249,705 1,187,418 02/14/2024 02/15/2024
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Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. includes Borgeson Blake, Marriott Tina, Gibson Christopher, Secora Michael.

Insiders have sold a total of 1.17 M Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 9.25 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Borgeson Blake ($1.81 M), Marriott Tina ($352,660), Gibson Christopher ($5.42 M), Secora Michael ($1.66 M),