PotlatchDeltic Corporation (PCH) Insider Traders


$0.61 (1.54%)
Day's range
Day's range

PotlatchDeltic Corporation Insider Transactions

PotlatchDeltic Corporation Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
DeReu William R

Vice President, Real Estate

Sell 326 @ $44.97 $14,660 66,293 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
DeReu William R

Vice President, Real Estate

Sell 223 @ $44.84 $9,999 66,070 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
Sell 10,262 @ $45.24 $464,253 248,440 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
Sell 3,331 @ $45.04 $150,028 245,109 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
Sell 3,998 @ $44.92 $179,590 241,111 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
Ball Darin Robert

Vice President, Timberlands

Sell 1,408 @ $45.27 $63,740 42,225 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
Ball Darin Robert

Vice President, Timberlands

Sell 757 @ $45.07 $34,118 41,468 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
Ball Darin Robert

Vice President, Timberlands

Sell 362 @ $44.95 $16,272 41,106 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
Ball Darin Robert

Vice President, Timberlands

Sell 271 @ $44.87 $12,160 40,835 02/12/2024 02/13/2024
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PotlatchDeltic Corporation FAQ's

The list of insiders at PotlatchDeltic Corporation includes Cribb Ashlee Townsend.

Insiders have sold a total of 4,114 PotlatchDeltic Corporation shares in the last 12 months for a total of 177,372 sold.

The following insiders have sold PotlatchDeltic Corporation shares in the last 12 months: Cribb Ashlee Townsend ($177,372),