Nektar Therapeutics (NKTR) Insider Traders


$0.07 (6.36%)
Day's range
Day's range

Nektar Therapeutics Insider Transactions

Nektar Therapeutics Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Zalevsky Jonathan

Chief R&D Officer

Sell 51,115 @ $0.94 $48,048 326,904 12/19/2024 12/20/2024
Sell 85,035 @ $0.99 $84,185 1,110,675 12/18/2024 12/19/2024
Sell 46,995 @ $1.01 $47,465 1,195,710 12/17/2024 12/19/2024
Zalevsky Jonathan

Chief R&D Officer

Sell 7,785 @ $1.01 $7,863 243,019 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Wilson Mark Andrew

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 6,407 @ $1.01 $6,471 218,856 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Sell 16,278 @ $1.01 $16,441 832,080 11/19/2024 11/20/2024
Zalevsky Jonathan

Chief R&D Officer

Sell 6,866 @ $1.28 $8,788 250,804 08/19/2024 08/20/2024
Wilson Mark Andrew

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 5,651 @ $1.28 $7,233 225,263 08/19/2024 08/20/2024
Sell 14,881 @ $1.28 $19,048 848,358 08/19/2024 08/20/2024


Sell 19,500 @ $1.20 $23,400 255,273 06/14/2024 06/14/2024
Wilson Mark Andrew

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 6,260 @ $1.75 $10,955 230,414 05/17/2024 05/20/2024
Zalevsky Jonathan

Chief R&D Officer

Sell 7,355 @ $1.75 $12,871 257,670 05/17/2024 05/20/2024
Sell 16,650 @ $1.75 $29,138 863,239 05/17/2024 05/20/2024
Deep Track Capital, LP

10 percent owner

Sell 56,000 @ $1.78 $99,630 18,344,000 05/10/2024 05/13/2024
Zalevsky Jonathan

Chief R&D Officer

Sell 9,014 @ $0.68 $6,130 265,025 02/20/2024 02/22/2024
Wilson Mark Andrew

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 7,606 @ $0.68 $5,172 236,674 02/20/2024 02/22/2024
Sell 20,033 @ $0.68 $13,622 879,889 02/20/2024 02/22/2024
Zalevsky Jonathan

Chief R&D Officer

Sell 9,646 @ $0.49 $4,727 274,039 11/17/2023 11/20/2023
Wilson Mark Andrew

Chief Legal Officer

Sell 7,179 @ $0.49 $3,518 243,780 11/17/2023 11/20/2023
Sell 19,877 @ $0.49 $9,740 899,922 11/17/2023 11/20/2023
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Nektar Therapeutics FAQ's

The list of insiders at Nektar Therapeutics includes Deep Track Capital, LP, ROBIN HOWARD W, Zalevsky Jonathan, Wilson Mark Andrew, CHESS ROBERT.

Insiders have sold a total of 346,778 Nektar Therapeutics shares in the last 12 months for a total of 421,535 sold.

The following insiders have sold Nektar Therapeutics shares in the last 12 months: Deep Track Capital, LP ($99,630), ROBIN HOWARD W ($196,276), Zalevsky Jonathan ($77,571), Wilson Mark Andrew ($24,659), CHESS ROBERT ($23,400),