Fresh Tracks Therapeutics, Inc. Insider Transactions
Fresh Tracks Therapeutics, Inc. Insider Trades History
Insider Name | Buy/Sell | Shares Bought/Sold @ Price |
Total Transaction | Shares Held After Transaction |
Transaction Date | Filing Date | Details |
Exploration Capital, LLC
10 percent owner |
Buy | 23,877 @ $0.89 | $21,251 | 723,877 | 01/03/2024 | 01/05/2024 | |
Exploration Capital, LLC
10 percent owner |
Buy | 47,000 @ $0.84 | $39,480 | 47,000 | 12/20/2023 | 12/20/2023 | |
Fox-Collis Aaron
VP of Finance & CAO |
Sell | 74 @ $0.91 | $67 | 0 | 12/08/2023 | 12/11/2023 | |
Exploration Capital Fund, LP
10 percent owner |
Buy | 17,233 @ $0.90 | $15,510 | 700,000 | 12/06/2023 | 12/06/2023 | |
Exploration Capital Fund, LP
10 percent owner |
Buy | 5,188 @ $0.85 | $4,410 | 682,767 | 12/05/2023 | 12/06/2023 | |
Exploration Capital Fund, LP
10 percent owner |
Buy | 7,579 @ $0.85 | $6,442 | 677,579 | 12/04/2023 | 12/06/2023 | |
Fox-Colis Aaron
VP of Finance & CAO |
Sell | 36 @ $0.85 | $31 | 74 | 12/04/2023 | 12/04/2023 |
Fresh Tracks Therapeutics, Inc. FAQ's
The list of insiders at Fresh Tracks Therapeutics, Inc. includes Exploration Capital, LLC.
Insiders have purchased a total of 775,570 Fresh Tracks Therapeutics, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 719,552.
The following insiders have purchased Fresh Tracks Therapeutics, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Exploration Capital, LLC ($719,552),