Finward Bancorp (FNWD) Insider Traders


$1.14 (4.03%)
Day's range
Day's range

Finward Bancorp Insider Transactions

Finward Bancorp Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Buy 250 @ $26.20 $6,550 24,427 05/11/2023 05/17/2023
Han Amy Wong


Buy 300 @ $30.23 $9,069 7,575 05/02/2023 05/03/2023
Buy 644 @ $30.07 $19,365 23,927 05/01/2023 05/02/2023
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Finward Bancorp FAQ's

The list of insiders at Finward Bancorp includes KRUPINSKI KENNETH V, Bochnowski Benjamin J, Schmitt Benjamin Louis, Lowry Robert T, Scheub Todd M..

Insiders have sold a total of 739 Finward Bancorp shares in the last 12 months for a total of 20,994 sold.

The following insiders have sold Finward Bancorp shares in the last 12 months: KRUPINSKI KENNETH V ($20,917), Bochnowski Benjamin J ($76),

Insiders have purchased a total of 1,050 Finward Bancorp shares in the last 12 months for a total of 32,007.

The following insiders have purchased Finward Bancorp shares in the last 12 months: Bochnowski Benjamin J ($12,992), Schmitt Benjamin Louis ($15,862), Lowry Robert T ($1,783), Scheub Todd M. ($1,371),