Credit Acceptance Corporation (CACC) Insider Traders


$2.92 (0.62%)
Day's range
Day's range

Credit Acceptance Corporation Insider Transactions

Credit Acceptance Corporation Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 425 @ $488.35 $207,549 1,293,340 08/14/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 1,929 @ $489.85 $944,921 1,291,411 08/14/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 1,367 @ $490.76 $670,869 1,290,044 08/14/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 1,870 @ $491.84 $919,741 1,288,174 08/14/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 1,039 @ $492.99 $512,217 1,287,135 08/14/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 85 @ $493.81 $41,974 1,287,050 08/14/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 55 @ $496.70 $27,319 1,286,995 08/14/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 61 @ $492.85 $30,064 1,299,514 08/11/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 70 @ $494.71 $34,630 1,299,444 08/11/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 146 @ $495.98 $72,413 1,299,298 08/11/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 790 @ $497.05 $392,670 1,304,654 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 1,322 @ $498.24 $658,673 1,303,332 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 2,077 @ $499.06 $1.04 M 1,301,255 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 976 @ $500.13 $488,127 1,300,279 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 196 @ $500.99 $98,194 1,300,083 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 63 @ $503.04 $31,692 1,300,020 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 265 @ $504.57 $133,711 1,299,755 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 175 @ $506.57 $88,650 1,299,580 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 5 @ $508.06 $2,540 1,299,575 08/10/2023 08/11/2023
Sell 298 @ $507.05 $151,101 1,311,377 08/09/2023 08/11/2023
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Credit Acceptance Corporation FAQ's

The list of insiders at Credit Acceptance Corporation includes LUM JONATHAN, BUSK DOUGLAS W.

Insiders have sold a total of 5,000 Credit Acceptance Corporation shares in the last 12 months for a total of 2.81 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Credit Acceptance Corporation shares in the last 12 months: LUM JONATHAN ($1.37 M), BUSK DOUGLAS W ($1.43 M),