American Superconductor Corporation (AMSC) Insider Traders


$0.46 (1.6%)
Day's range
Day's range

American Superconductor Corporation Insider Transactions

American Superconductor Corporation Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 37,165 @ $21.69 $806,046 1,019,956 06/11/2024 06/12/2024
Kosiba John W JR

SVP, CFO & Treasurer

Sell 32,000 @ $21.68 $693,750 316,136 06/11/2024 06/12/2024
Sell 1,620 @ $15.30 $24,794 1,057,121 05/21/2024 05/23/2024
Sell 18,939 @ $14.78 $279,947 1,058,741 05/21/2024 05/23/2024
Kosiba John W JR

SVP, CFO & Treasurer

Sell 26,830 @ $14.78 $396,614 350,306 05/21/2024 05/23/2024
Kosiba John W JR

SVP, CFO & Treasurer

Sell 2,170 @ $15.30 $33,199 348,136 05/21/2024 05/23/2024
Sell 36,902 @ $5.95 $219,596 1,077,680 06/22/2023 06/23/2023
Kosiba John W JR

SVP, CFO & Treasurer

Sell 29,878 @ $5.95 $177,816 377,136 06/22/2023 06/23/2023
Sell 73,802 @ $6.14 $453,351 1,114,582 06/21/2023 06/23/2023
Kosiba John W JR

SVP, CFO & Treasurer

Sell 50,132 @ $6.15 $308,532 407,014 06/21/2023 06/23/2023

American Superconductor Corporation FAQ's

The list of insiders at American Superconductor Corporation includes Kosiba John W JR, McGahn Daniel P.

Insiders have sold a total of 118,724 American Superconductor Corporation shares in the last 12 months for a total of 2.23 M sold.

The following insiders have sold American Superconductor Corporation shares in the last 12 months: Kosiba John W JR ($1.12 M), McGahn Daniel P ($1.11 M),