Weave Communications, Inc. (WEAV) Insider Traders


$0.23 (1.44%)
Day's range
Day's range

Weave Communications, Inc. Insider Transactions

Weave Communications, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Goodsell Erin

Chief Legal Officer & Corp.Sec

Sell 1,528 @ $10.98 $16,777 653,452 08/19/2024 08/21/2024
Sell 15,000 @ $12.00 $180,000 480,813 01/24/2024 01/26/2024
Sell 6,983 @ $7.03 $49,090 558,682 11/01/2023 11/03/2023
Sell 6,983 @ $7.98 $55,724 565,665 10/02/2023 10/04/2023
Sell 6,983 @ $10.24 $71,506 580,277 09/01/2023 09/05/2023
Goodsell Erin

Chief Legal Officer & Corp.Sec

Sell 3,000 @ $10.75 $32,260 647,766 08/16/2023 08/16/2023
Sell 6,983 @ $10.16 $70,947 587,260 08/11/2023 08/15/2023
Sell 2,775 @ $11.08 $30,747 7,137,699 08/04/2023 08/04/2023
Sell 56,444 @ $11.18 $631,044 7,140,474 08/03/2023 08/04/2023
Sell 31,952 @ $11.11 $354,987 7,196,918 08/02/2023 08/02/2023
Sell 37,789 @ $11.65 $440,242 7,228,870 08/01/2023 08/02/2023
Sell 149,496 @ $11.48 $1.72 M 7,266,659 07/26/2023 07/26/2023
Sell 15,200 @ $11.10 $168,720 7,416,155 07/25/2023 07/26/2023
Sell 1,500 @ $11.10 $16,650 7,431,355 07/24/2023 07/24/2023
Sell 1,200 @ $11.01 $13,212 7,432,855 07/21/2023 07/24/2023
Sell 8,541 @ $11.13 $95,061 7,434,055 07/19/2023 07/20/2023
Sell 57,483 @ $11.26 $647,259 7,373,016 07/18/2023 07/18/2023
Sell 66,580 @ $11.24 $748,359 7,433,499 07/17/2023 07/18/2023
Sell 5,353 @ $5.30 $28,386 601,873 05/05/2023 05/09/2023
Goodsell Erin

Chief Legal Officer & Corp.Sec

Sell 2,500 @ $5.31 $13,267 745,104 05/05/2023 05/09/2023
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Weave Communications, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Weave Communications, Inc. includes Goodsell Erin, Bertilson Marcus, Taylor Alan, Neish Branden, Modersitzki Blake G, CROSSLINK CAPITAL INC.

Insiders have sold a total of 2.84 M Weave Communications, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 40.17 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Weave Communications, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Goodsell Erin ($392,527), Bertilson Marcus ($764,400), Taylor Alan ($1.66 M), Neish Branden ($183,160), Modersitzki Blake G ($23.23 M), CROSSLINK CAPITAL INC ($13.95 M),