Shake Shack Inc. (SHAK) Insider Traders


-$1.32 (-0.99%)
Day's range
Day's range

Shake Shack Inc. Insider Transactions

Shake Shack Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 77 @ $104.84 $8,073 36,180 10/02/2024 10/04/2024
Meyer Daniel Harris

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 100 @ $110.05 $11,005 470,337 09/26/2024 09/30/2024
Sell 161 @ $96.36 $15,514 36,661 09/05/2024 09/06/2024
Sell 37 @ $97.74 $3,617 36,624 09/05/2024 09/06/2024
Sell 123 @ $98.14 $12,071 36,501 09/05/2024 09/06/2024
Sell 32 @ $96.22 $3,079 37,111 09/04/2024 09/06/2024
Sell 21 @ $97.49 $2,047 37,090 09/04/2024 09/06/2024
Sell 83 @ $98.33 $8,161 37,007 09/04/2024 09/06/2024
Sell 185 @ $99.21 $18,353 36,822 09/04/2024 09/06/2024
Meyer Daniel Harris

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 10,000 @ $110.24 $1.10 M 470,437 08/15/2024 08/19/2024
Sell 77 @ $93.71 $7,216 37,387 08/05/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 131 @ $94.80 $12,419 37,256 08/05/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 40 @ $95.64 $3,826 37,216 08/05/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 73 @ $96.82 $7,068 37,143 08/05/2024 08/06/2024
Flug Jeffrey

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 304 @ $90.39 $27,478 3,347 08/05/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 50 @ $94.14 $4,707 38,377 08/02/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 310 @ $95.49 $29,601 38,067 08/02/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 463 @ $96.24 $44,557 37,604 08/02/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 130 @ $97.14 $12,628 37,474 08/02/2024 08/06/2024
Sell 10 @ $98.18 $982 37,464 08/02/2024 08/06/2024
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Shake Shack Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Shake Shack Inc. includes Flug Jeffrey, Fogertey Katherine Irene, Meyer Daniel Harris.

Insiders have sold a total of 110,475 Shake Shack Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 13.47 M sold.

The following insiders have sold Shake Shack Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Flug Jeffrey ($145,226), Fogertey Katherine Irene ($1.05 M), Meyer Daniel Harris ($12.27 M),