Owlet, Inc. (OWLT) Insider Traders


$0.05 (1.1%)
Day's range
Day's range

Owlet, Inc. Insider Transactions

Owlet, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 358 @ $3.80 $1,360 97,110 09/18/2023 09/20/2023
Sell 406 @ $4.33 $1,758 31,749 08/16/2023 08/18/2023
Sell 11,579 @ $0.33 $3,821 2,900,214 06/22/2023 06/22/2023
Sell 13,443 @ $0.33 $4,436 450,185 06/22/2023 06/22/2023
Sell 14,229 @ $0.23 $3,273 2,859,162 06/16/2023 06/22/2023
Sell 4,566 @ $0.23 $1,050 410,997 06/16/2023 06/22/2023
Sell 6,684 @ $0.28 $1,872 415,563 05/16/2023 06/22/2023
Sell 860 @ $0.33 $284 2,937,670 04/18/2023 04/20/2023
Sell 3,629 @ $0.33 $1,198 492,158 04/18/2023 04/20/2023
Sell 60,754 @ $0.36 $21,871 2,873,391 03/16/2023 06/22/2023
Sell 19,169 @ $0.36 $6,901 422,247 03/16/2023 06/22/2023
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Owlet, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at Owlet, Inc. includes Scolnick Kathryn R., Workman Kurt.

Insiders have sold a total of 5,221 Owlet, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 22,612 sold.

The following insiders have sold Owlet, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Scolnick Kathryn R. ($15,133), Workman Kurt ($7,480),