ON24, Inc. (ONTF) Insider Traders


$0.05 (0.76%)
Day's range
Day's range

ON24, Inc. Insider Transactions

ON24, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 929 @ $5.97 $5,542 720,648 09/06/2024 09/09/2024
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 989 @ $5.97 $5,900 719,659 09/06/2024 09/09/2024
Sell 929 @ $5.97 $5,542 430,027 09/06/2024 09/09/2024
Sell 950 @ $5.97 $5,667 429,077 09/06/2024 09/09/2024
Sell 1,136 @ $6.16 $7,000 557,703 09/05/2024 09/09/2024
Sell 1,531 @ $6.16 $9,434 556,172 09/05/2024 09/09/2024
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 1,107 @ $6.16 $6,821 722,755 09/05/2024 09/09/2024
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 1,178 @ $6.16 $7,259 721,577 09/05/2024 09/09/2024
Sell 1,131 @ $6.16 $6,969 432,063 09/05/2024 09/09/2024
Sell 1,107 @ $6.16 $6,821 430,956 09/05/2024 09/09/2024
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 1,962 @ $6.24 $12,244 725,951 09/04/2024 09/05/2024
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 2,089 @ $6.24 $13,037 723,862 09/04/2024 09/05/2024
Sell 2,013 @ $6.24 $12,562 561,554 09/04/2024 09/05/2024
Sell 2,715 @ $6.24 $16,943 558,839 09/04/2024 09/05/2024
Sell 1,962 @ $6.24 $12,244 435,199 09/04/2024 09/05/2024
Sell 2,005 @ $6.24 $12,512 433,194 09/04/2024 09/05/2024
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 2,164 @ $6.35 $13,748 730,217 09/03/2024 09/05/2024
Sahasi Jayesh

EV President, Product and CTO

Sell 2,304 @ $6.35 $14,637 727,913 09/03/2024 09/05/2024
Sell 2,221 @ $6.35 $14,110 566,562 09/03/2024 09/05/2024
Sell 2,995 @ $6.35 $19,027 563,567 09/03/2024 09/05/2024
Page 4 of 8

ON24, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at ON24, Inc. includes Sharan Sharat, Sahasi Jayesh, Vattuone Steven, Blackie James, Trempont Dominique.

Insiders have sold a total of 629,422 ON24, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 3.98 M sold.

The following insiders have sold ON24, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Sharan Sharat ($1.67 M), Sahasi Jayesh ($507,049), Vattuone Steven ($749,500), Blackie James ($707,314), Trempont Dominique ($340,387),