OptiNose, Inc. Insider Transactions
OptiNose, Inc. Insider Trades History
Insider Name | Buy/Sell | Shares Bought/Sold @ Price |
Total Transaction | Shares Held After Transaction |
Transaction Date | Filing Date | Details |
Mahmoud Ramy A
Sell | 11,040 @ $1.79 | $19,762 | 517,128 | 03/16/2023 | 03/20/2023 |
OptiNose, Inc. FAQ's
The list of insiders at OptiNose, Inc. includes Mahmoud Ramy A, Marino Michael F III, Krick Anthony J.
Insiders have sold a total of 238,212 OptiNose, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 297,749 sold.
The following insiders have sold OptiNose, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Mahmoud Ramy A ($189,959), Marino Michael F III ($94,836), Krick Anthony J ($12,954),