MGP Ingredients, Inc. (MGPI) Insider Traders


$0.31 (0.81%)
Day's range
Day's range

MGP Ingredients, Inc. Insider Transactions

MGP Ingredients, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 5,732 @ $118.53 $679,414 597,726 08/25/2023 08/29/2023
Sell 4,268 @ $119.25 $508,959 593,458 08/25/2023 08/29/2023
Lux Donn S.

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 6,352 @ $83.12 $527,987 2,688,912 05/13/2023 05/14/2024
Lux Donn S.

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 648 @ $83.90 $54,367 2,688,264 05/13/2023 05/14/2024
Lux Donn S.

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 7,635 @ $81.86 $624,986 2,680,629 05/13/2023 05/14/2024
Lux Donn S.

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 7,365 @ $82.50 $607,594 2,673,264 05/13/2023 05/14/2024
Lux Donn S.

Director, 10 percent owner:

Sell 10,000 @ $83.00 $829,969 2,695,264 05/10/2023 05/14/2024
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MGP Ingredients, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at MGP Ingredients, Inc. includes Lux Donn S., Mingus Lori L.S., Seaberg Karen.

Insiders have sold a total of 88,730 MGP Ingredients, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 7.16 M sold.

The following insiders have sold MGP Ingredients, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Lux Donn S. ($5.50 M), Mingus Lori L.S. ($191,678), Seaberg Karen ($1.48 M),