Inspirato Incorporated (ISPO) Insider Traders


$0.35 (9.46%)
Day's range
Day's range

Inspirato Incorporated Insider Transactions

Inspirato Incorporated Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Sell 224 @ $0.95 $213 10,460,516 05/26/2023 05/26/2023
Sell 3,440 @ $0.95 $3,268 10,460,740 05/25/2023 05/26/2023
Sell 3,440 @ $0.95 $3,268 10,460,740 05/25/2023 05/26/2023
Sell 12,442 @ $0.95 $11,820 10,464,180 05/24/2023 05/26/2023
Sell 12,442 @ $0.95 $11,820 10,464,180 05/24/2023 05/26/2023
Sell 76,831 @ $0.95 $72,989 10,476,622 05/23/2023 05/23/2023
Sell 76,831 @ $0.95 $72,989 10,476,622 05/23/2023 05/23/2023
Sell 58,089 @ $0.95 $55,185 10,553,453 05/22/2023 05/23/2023
Sell 58,089 @ $0.95 $55,185 10,553,453 05/22/2023 05/23/2023
Sell 70,416 @ $0.96 $67,599 10,611,542 05/19/2023 05/23/2023
Sell 70,416 @ $0.96 $67,599 10,611,542 05/19/2023 05/23/2023
Sell 34,500 @ $0.98 $33,810 10,681,958 05/12/2023 05/16/2023
Sell 34,500 @ $0.98 $33,810 10,681,958 05/12/2023 05/16/2023
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Inspirato Incorporated FAQ's

The list of insiders at Inspirato Incorporated includes Institutional Venture Partners XIII, L.P., One Planet Group LLC, Zamani Payam, Kaiden Robert, Handler Brent L, Arthur Michael J, Kallery David S.

Insiders have sold a total of 150,796 Inspirato Incorporated shares in the last 12 months for a total of 596,662 sold.

The following insiders have sold Inspirato Incorporated shares in the last 12 months: Institutional Venture Partners XIII, L.P. ($323,293), Kaiden Robert ($86,196), Handler Brent L ($166,144), Arthur Michael J ($1,036), Kallery David S ($19,993),

Insiders have purchased a total of 11.76 M Inspirato Incorporated shares in the last 12 months for a total of 43.67 M.

The following insiders have purchased Inspirato Incorporated shares in the last 12 months: One Planet Group LLC ($21.66 M), Zamani Payam ($22.01 M),