CalciMedica, Inc. (CALC) Insider Traders


-$0.03 (-0.93%)
Day's range
Day's range

CalciMedica, Inc. Insider Transactions

CalciMedica, Inc. Insider Trades History

Insider Name Buy/Sell Shares Bought/Sold
@ Price
Total Transaction Shares Held
After Transaction
Transaction Date Filing Date Details
Buy 28,744 @ $3.70 $106,410 30,292 01/23/2024 01/25/2024
Buy 13,184 @ $3.70 $48,807 27,609 01/23/2024 01/25/2024
Buy 25,516 @ $5.36 $136,766 25,516 01/23/2024 01/25/2024
Buy 3,920 @ $3.70 $14,512 21,602 01/23/2024 01/25/2024
Buy 14,372 @ $5.36 $77,034 14,372 01/23/2024 01/25/2024
Buy 6,592 @ $7.15 $47,133 6,592 01/23/2024 01/25/2024
Buy 1,960 @ $5.36 $10,506 1,960 01/23/2024 01/25/2024
Roberts Eric W

Director, 10 percent owner, CHIEF BUSINESS OFFICER

Buy 3,000 @ $2.68 $8,040 3,000 05/17/2023 11/06/2024
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CalciMedica, Inc. FAQ's

The list of insiders at CalciMedica, Inc. includes Roberts Eric W, WILSON ROBERT N, Leheny A. Rachel, MIDDLETON FRED A, Sanderling Venture Partners VI Co Investment Fund LP.

Insiders have purchased a total of 460,675 CalciMedica, Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 1.70 M.

The following insiders have purchased CalciMedica, Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Roberts Eric W ($269,766), WILSON ROBERT N ($608,628), Leheny A. Rachel ($79,190), MIDDLETON FRED A ($416,760), Sanderling Venture Partners VI Co Investment Fund LP ($329,040),