Ivanhoe Electric Inc. Insider Transactions
Ivanhoe Electric Inc. Insider Trades History
Insider Name | Buy/Sell | Shares Bought/Sold @ Price |
Total Transaction | Shares Held After Transaction |
Transaction Date | Filing Date | Details |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 500 @ $14.07 | $7,035 | 3,400 | 06/14/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 200 @ $14.17 | $2,834 | 300 | 06/14/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 300 @ $14.20 | $4,260 | 0 | 06/14/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 1,100 @ $14.10 | $15,510 | 1,800 | 06/14/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 800 @ $14.15 | $11,320 | 500 | 06/14/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 2,500 @ $13.75 | $34,375 | 22,500 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 1,068 @ $13.76 | $14,696 | 21,432 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 2,800 @ $13.77 | $38,556 | 18,632 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 1,262 @ $13.78 | $17,390 | 17,370 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 200 @ $13.80 | $2,760 | 17,170 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 33 @ $13.82 | $456 | 17,137 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 596 @ $13.90 | $8,284 | 16,541 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 4 @ $13.91 | $56 | 16,537 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 | |
Barone Catherine Anne
Senior Vice President, Finance |
Sell | 3,200 @ $13.95 | $44,640 | 13,337 | 06/13/2023 | 06/15/2023 |
Ivanhoe Electric Inc. FAQ's
The list of insiders at Ivanhoe Electric Inc. includes Gibson Mark Andrew Stuart.
Insiders have sold a total of 81,656 Ivanhoe Electric Inc. shares in the last 12 months for a total of 1.00 M sold.
The following insiders have sold Ivanhoe Electric Inc. shares in the last 12 months: Gibson Mark Andrew Stuart ($1.00 M),